merehan replied

247 weeks ago

Often times, when you see a little child on the street, you may fall directly in love with his smile, the way he laughs, the innocence of his childhood, and you may wish to have a beautiful child like him, but you really only saw the cute side of it, and you will only know the other side When you become a mother, when the time comes, you must learn some important matters regarding caring for the affairs of the child, and knowing how to wash a child's clothes may not be one of the important priorities for you at the present time, but it should be so when your child comes to this world

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How to wash baby clothes
 Despite their young age and sizes, the clothes of infants and even newborns quickly get dirty and may fill laundry baskets at home, even if the clothes are not dirty, it is better for the mother to wash the new baby clothes before using them; This is to ensure that stains and dust that may cause allergic reactions to the sensitive skin of the child are removed, and we will explain the correct way to wash your child's clothes:

 Read instructions: Some types of fabric in your child's clothes may need special care; This is to include a better washing for these clothes, and some of them may be washable in the normal way that you do, and some clothes, such as pajamas, and pajamas are made of flame retardant materials, and these materials usually require special cleaning methods; To ensure that its flame-resistant properties are protected; That is why you should read the instructions written on each piece of your child's clothes, and you should also pay attention to instructions such as, washing temperature, drying steps, and the recommended type of detergent, and others.

Sort your child's clothes:
Divide your child's clothes into sections, one by color, where you put white clothes in a group, light-colored clothes in a group, dark colored clothes in another group, and another section for flammable clothes, and you can add another section according to temperatures if you have A difference in the temperature of your child's clothes that must be washed. Adjust the washing machine settings: After reading the instructions written on your child's clothes, and know the recommended settings, set the temperature and the number of wash cycles in the washing machine, then turn it on and let it fill with water, and if there are no written instructions on a piece of clothing, wash it with warm water

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Some types of clothes are excluded, such as: cloth diapers that must be washed in hot water; To promote hygiene, sterilization, disinfection, and fire-retardant clothing that should be washed in cold or warm water; In order to maintain its fire-suppressing properties.

Add detergent to the washer water: Babies have very sensitive skin. So you should avoid using regular detergents when washing your child's clothes, and instead choose a detergent made specifically for children, in addition to this you should avoid detergents with strong odors; Depending on the written instructions, the skin of young children may not resist it.

Put the clothes in the washing machine:
 Soak every piece of your child's clothes with water, and make sure that the weight of the clothes is evenly distributed throughout the washing machine. Wait until time runs out: The last cycle in the washing machine may take 30-45 minutes to finish.

Re-wash clothes:
When the washing machine stops, make sure your child's clothes are completely clean, and if you find some residue from laundry soap, rinse the clothes again; It is possible for your child's skin to become irritated by these residues, and if you use a hand-made cleaner at home, the Castile Soap that makes this detergent usually leaves more residue of it in the clothes more than the detergent in the shops, and you can add a tablespoon From white vinegar to the wash cycle; To help treat this problem, as for a clothes dryer, if you feel that it makes your child's clothes feel uncomfortable on their skin, then you may want to dry them on the clothesline.

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Arrange baby clothes:
Clean baby clothes should be arranged after drying, and kept in a closet or drawers; To protect it from exposure to dust and dirt.

 Note: It should be noted that some types of fabric are not suitable for washing in the electric washing machine and must be washed by hand, or do not fit drying in the toaster, and therefore must always check the clothing labels that explain the appropriate method of care and cleaning.

How to make a special cleaner for baby clothes
You can make a special laundry detergent for your child to be suitable for his smooth skin as a small child, and below we will explain the steps for preparing it:

Just one cup of Castile Soap Chips. Half a cup of laundry soda, half a cup of borax. How to prepare: Mix all the above ingredients together well. Take a cup of this mixture and put it in your washing machine, ready to wash your child's clothes now.

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Note: it is not recommended to use a home-made clothes cleaner for your child's clothes that are made from fire retardant materials; Because the oils used in castile soap flakes, which are used in home-made detergent ingredients, can destroy the tissues of those clothes that possess the fire-retarding properties.

 How to get rid of stains on the clothes of the baby
The apparent spots that are still fresh to facilitate the matter must be disposed of, before inserting them into the washing machine. Here are some tips to get rid of different types, including:

 Protein stains
 Protein stains include natural and artificial milk stains, saliva stains, and most types of foods. To get rid of them, it is recommended to soak the piece in cold water and washing powder that contains enzymes, or use a stain remover, and wash the piece as usual.

 Urine stains
To get rid of urine stains, it is recommended to mix a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water, rub the stain with the solution, and then use a stain remover, and wash the piece as usual, and be careful not to mix ammonia with vinegar or ovary; Because it may form a toxic mixture.

Baby oil stains
 Baby oil stains can be eliminated by using a stain remover, then wash the piece at the highest permissible temperature, and let it dry in the open air.

Fruit and vegetable stains
 Fruit and vegetable stains can be eliminated in one of three ways, either by rubbing the stain with cold water, or soaking it in an equal solution of water and medicinal alcohol and washing it as usual, or using a stain remover and washing it in the usual way, and in case the stains are stubborn it is advisable to soak them in an equal solution of Water and white vinegar.

How to get rid of stubborn stains on the clothes of the baby
 Many solutions can be used when stains remain despite washing clothes as usual, including making a paste with a regular detergent with a stain remover spray, moistening the mixture with very hot water, and applying it to the stain before washing it, or detergents that frequently contain Era can be used, and on the other hand Depending on the temperature of the sun, it is possible to completely eliminate stains, or to reduce them clearly, by placing the stained piece flat for an hour or two in the sun, taking into account the delicate and fragile fabrics, and covering the dirty parts of the piece if it is It is possible; To avoid fading of some colors in the sun.

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 Baby clothes washing material
Using a laundry detergent Biological detergents contain enzymes that contribute to removing stains, but some parents are concerned about using them because they believe that these enzymes will affect the skin of their children, although there is not much evidence for this; Which drives them to use other non-biological detergents for more safety, but if the child's skin is very sensitive it is better to use a special cleaner for children, as it does not contain heavy odors that cause rashes, and irritation of the skin unlike regular detergents, taking into account the use of regular detergents in the event The child is not disturbed, and is sensitive to it.

 Things to avoid when washing baby clothes
 There are some things that you should not do when you wash your child's clothes. Here are some of them:
Excessively putting baby clothes in the washer or dryer. Excessive use of detergents, where you have to follow the written instructions, otherwise you will have leftovers from detergents. Use a conditioner for fabrics, or other detergents that contain perfumes. Mixing the baby's clothes with other clothes that are very dirty.

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